Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Experiencing technical difficulties, we apologize for the delay…..

               So guess what I did this week? Thus far I’ve gotten a super cute hair cut, gone shopping, tried and failed to dye my hair back to its natural color, gone to church, gone to work, got hit on by a homeless guy….
                Ok hopefully by now you’re asking yourself “what the hell is she doing?” because I’m running out of stuff to babble about. I’m trying to make a point to my dear sweet boyfriend. To be fair he doesn’t even know there is a point to be made. I’m just sitting here trying to write and getting frustrated. So sit back and enjoy the rant.
                You see when I first started this thing he said to me, “we would love you to write about us, but Kayte, there’s not much to write about.” I thought ok valid point. It’s not like you guys are off on your world tour yet, but then I thought, there’s tones of stuff to report on before you get to the top! There’s that whole, “the true, untold” story angel. But still, I’ll be the first one to tell you this isn’t the most fast moving ride to stardom the world has ever seen. So I made a plan, and the plan was this: Introduction article, Article setting “the rules”, then I would dedicate a whole month or so simply on introducing the band to cyber space. Let me explain what I mean by this. I would open with an article about the band as a unit. I would sit in on a band practice or two and then make the guys sit down and sit still for a group interview. Then after that I would interview each of the guys on their own and publish an article a week (maybe more) on the individuals in the band. After I was done with the band bios I would move on to the songs. I would do an article a week over the songs that they have on MySpace and then move on to the million or so that they have yet to put online. If band drama or gigs or whatever came up, I would report on that as it happened.
                Look at my plan! Isn’t it a good beautiful plan? There’s a tone of stuff to write about! That could keep me busy for three to four months. Plenty of time for VK to give me something ells to focus on. Right? Right? WRONG! Remember how I told you guys about the ROCK TALK the guys had at the beginning of the year? Remember the ultimatum of “learn how to carry your weight or there’s the door”? Well this is now interfering with my beautiful well thought out bullet proof plan.
                Now before I continue I should say I fully support the bands choice to challenge everyone to reach their full potential. And because of this challenge Walter has asked me to hold off on my interviews until the end of January. Wait a minute. What about the band bios? What about the group interview? The band pictures? About this time I tell myself to grow up and stop pouting. Just skip the band bios and start on the song analysis.
                So here I sit, trying to write about my favorite song of theirs, Identity Crisis, and then I realize, crap, I’m going to have to interview them before I start picking apart their stuff. You see this isn’t like English class where we have the luxury of guessing at what Shakespeare meant by making Hamlet so damn indecisive, or what was up with Herman Melville’s obsession with the sea. No, these guys are still alive, I know them, and it turns out they read this thing. I know, I was surprised to when I learned that I didn’t have to remind them I posted something for them to read it. After I posted the article on the whole band drama thing I went home to visit family and see Walter and what not. As soon as soon as he saw me I was told that 1) my writing was good but brutal, 2) the guys liked it, 3) I was wrong, Tyler has been in the band 1 year, not 2 (oops).  Guy’s I’m flattered that you’re actually reading this. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside, but I can’t publish something on here about the songs you’re writing without interviewing you, get it wrong, and then have you read it! I will never hear the end of it and I will have to hide my face out of shame!
                My writing is not the only thing being affected by this whole waiting until the end of January thing. When the guys had the ROCK TALK they also decided to ask an old friend named Zane to find them some venues to play at. However they have also asked him to, you guessed it, not book any shows for them until the end of January. Yes the guys are still meeting twice a week and they are still working on new and old stuff, but honestly it’s kinda hard to say what they are doing. I haven’t asked them about this so I can’t say what I’m about to say is fact, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they are holding off recording until the end of the month as well.
                All of these things are perfectly understandable. By next month two fifths of the band may be gone, and there is no sense in doing band bios, or booking shows, or putting new recordings online until you know for sure who is going to be there and what exactly you’re doing. However it leaves everyone holding their breath until the end of the month and wondering what is coming up next and if anything is in fact coming up at all.
                Lucky for you and me it’s the 26th and soon I’ll be able to tell you if the Voltage Knights are stronger than ever or if they are looking for new Voltage squires to run thru the gauntlet. I’ll keep you informed.
                This is Kayte, over and out

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