Its lunch time on a Friday afternoon and I really do need to be doing my homework for Sociology of Law, but I can’t focus. So instead I will write my second entry. This is actually a big step for me. I must have started four blogs before this and all of them only have one entry on them. I think it’s just part of my personality, if I don’t have a goal, a deadline, or something I just don’t see the point. Hopefully this blog will be different. I think it will be. First of all, I have a topic, which means I won’t just stare at the blank screen and say now what. Second, I know someone will be reading this. Don’t worry, I’m not kidding myself. I don’t think anyone will really see this, but I also know that at least the five guys in the band will skim it from time to time. And who knows, maybe my little sister will read this a few times if she gets really bored.
All this being said, I feel I need to set some rules and guidelines for myself for this blog. And to make sure I do not bend or break these rules, and so my imaginary fans can know what to expect from me, I dedicate my second entry to this topic.
When I first asked Walter if it would be alright with him and the rest of the band if I started a blog about their adventures in the music world I told him what I wanted to do was create a public record of the bands personal history (no, I didn’t say it like that, I don’t sound that formal when put on the spot). What I mean by this is I wanted to create something that allowed everyone to see the guys, and the band itself, for what they truly are. Not just for what they are for an hour or so on stage. I wanted to tell the story of four nerds who started a band in high school and who are still trying to get it off the ground. This concept sounds fairly easy, but the more we thought about it the more complex and personally risky it sounded.
Walter brought up the first concern. I’m twenty, almost twenty-one. Walter is the same age. Most of our friends fall into the twenty to twenty-six rang. Let’s face it, twenty year olds are basically teenagers whose parents can’t legally tell them they can’t do something. That being said almost all twenty something year olds have done something that they really really hope their mother never find out about. “What if my mom reads this,” he said, “or Wesley’s mom, or Justin’s? We’d have to find a new drummer if Carpenters mom ever read it because he’d be dead! You can’t put that in there Kayte.” But without some of thoughs details it would just be another dopy fan blog and I would stop writing it after the third entry.
Another problem along the same lines is the fact that we all met in high school, and because of this we have over lapping social circles. Can I publish the little drama and minor fights between the guys and our other friends? Can I talk about the fights the guys have between themselves? Would making private information like this public burn some bridges I have with my own friends, make the problems the guys have worse, or even endanger the bands existence? Should I even have an opinion on these things at all?
Then next big problem is really my problem and mine alone. How much personal information about myself do I put in this thing? I mean, if this is a blog about the Voltage Knights is it really appropriate for me to put something in here about my cousin’s birthday party? Probably not. But I do interact with the guys; shouldn’t I say something about my life? Can I talk about other bands I find interesting? How about books, or what movie I saw this weekend? Can I mention current events?
See what I mean by this can get complicated? If I don’t say something this could be boring and stupid. If I DO say something I can offend people and destroy friendships. If I say too much I could go WAY off topic and this blog just becomes a glorified diary.
So here are the rules to help with the complication:
1) this blog will be parent and Jesus friendly, meaning, yes I will probably talk about parties I go to with the guys if it’s relevant but I won’t talk about stuff like the time Justin got so trashed that we had to go pick him up from Padre Island because he road tripped out to international waters so he could marry a goat on a dare (note: this never really happened, this is something I made up to provide an over the top example).
2) I will try my best to keep this blog relatively drama free. I’m not going to publish fights and trash talk simply because I have nothing ells to talk about. If its relevant to the band I’ll probably talk about it, but I’ll probably leave all the gory details out, for example, “today Tyler and Walter got into yet another yelling match. Who knows what they were fighting about, tensions have just been running a little high lately because everyone is stressing out about the big show coming up.” (Once again this is a purely fictional example)
3) I probably won’t mention my life too much unless it’s relevant to the subject at hand. I’ll mention it some, and I’ll probably talk about other bands that I like or books that I think deserve a shout out, but I’m going to try to tie everything back to the band. I guess the good rule of thumb is, if it’s relevant to the subject I’m probably going to write about it, if it’s not, probably not.
4) This is not going to be a blog to gush about how awesome VK is. Yes I think they have potential but I’m not going to say something is amazing unless it think it’s amazing. This means, sorry guys, but if one of your song sucks, or you’re doing something that I think is stupid, I’m probably going to say so.
5) Like I’ve already mentioned, I’m dating Walter, the bass player. This is not going to be a blog about him. This is going to be a blog about the band that he’s a part of. Yes, he does a lot, yes he’s talented, yes he’s dreamy, but I don’t need to sit here a gush about him on the internet.
Alright. So there we go. Now we both know what I am and what I am not going to write about. Hold me to it. If I’m getting out of line please tell me. I’m going to try to post once or twice a week.
Until then, this is Kayte, over and out
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